On Tuesday, February 1st 2011 , grade 6 went swimming at Garuda swimming pool.
They looked very happy.... and we are happy too, look them....
First session 7:45 to 9:00 for girls and the next session for boys 9:15 to 11:00. Surely they are accompanied by a team of female teachers for girls and male teachers for boys.
4 komentar:
follow blog saya sm punya temen2 dong bu..he he
Punya saya: http://happyteenfatimanaura.blogspot.com
Punya Raissa:
Punya Aulia:
Kl ada waktu luang aja follow nya..he he..Makasih bu dwee
bu sekarang jadi bhs.inggris ya....
@Tima...makasih tanggapannya...ok nti di coba yaa..
@Nadhira: hehe..sambil belajar nak...salah gpp dulu yaa
@makasih ya bu udah difollow..lagi ngumpulin followers soalnya..he he :D
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